Friday, June 1, 2007

Christianity Gone Batshit Crazy

I've always thought Evangelicals were the hilarious nutbags of the Christian religion. These are the people that speak in tongues, dance with venomous snakes, and drink strichnine. I watched a special on TV a few years ago where a toothless redneck drank poison from a mason jar and then proudly proclaimed, "That stuff'll kill ya if ya ain't livin right!".Now, these same famous folks that snubbed proven scientific data for the much easier to comprehend Intelligent Design Theory have gathered to discuss Global Warming. The results were.....not so unexpected. They concluded that it was probably just the Will of God and that worrying about it was just a distraction from the important abortion and gay marriage.But to be fair, we also have other Christian psychos. Specifically, Westboro Baptist Church from Kansas. These are the people who spread Jesus's loving gospel through their website, They are also the ones who protest at the funerals of dead American soldiers, holding signs with good Christian slogans such as....."USA=Fag Nation", "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and last but not least...."God is America's Terrorist". Check the clip below.Just for fun, after Matthew Shepard was brutally beaten and murdered in Laramie, Wyoming they designed an animated .gif for their website with Shepard's photo in flames with the words, "Matthew Shepard burns in Hell" with a running time ticker counting the seconds, minutes, and days since his murder. They have also twice tried unsuccessfully to have a memorial erected in Laramie with an eternal flame and photo of Shepard with the words "Matthew Shepard is in Hell".My latest discovery on Christian insanity comes from the fine people at Freaky Christian kid's comics are their specialty. Their most recent comic teaches parents and children that telling your kids about the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus will turn children into godless monsters that murder at will and ultimately end up on the FBI's Most Wanted list next to Bin Laden before going to prison and being executed.Think I'm kidding? Check it out for yourself.