Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hero of the Week: Noam Chomsky

This week's hero is anti-war darling/Jewish smarty pants, Noam Chomsky. Because he's smarter than everybody? No. Because he's Jewish? Of course not, they smell funny. Because Osama gave him a shoutout in his last video? Hell no, I wouldn't be that unpatriotic on 9/11. (But while we're on the subject of Osama....that dyed beard? Where do you get beard dye if you live in a cave in Pakistan? Just asking...)It's because of the interview he did with one of Japan's leading news publications, Mainichi Shimbun. In the interview Chomsky said some shit. A whole lotta shit. A whole lotta true shit.Here are a few excerpts, because I'm addicted to bullet points:The United States is not a functioning democracy Bush is the best ally bin Laden and Ahmadinejad could haveThe Iraq war "significantly increased the threat of terror"The invasion of Iraq was a war crimeSo yeah, Noam Chomsky is pretty much a kick-ass motherfucker. If you don't think so, then I don't know what.