Wednesday, August 1, 2007

God Hates Desperate Housewives Christian Rock Myspace Pretty Much Everything

The ADA has sent out an email action alert urging their idiot hypocrites followers to boycott the show Desperate Housewives even more this time (if that's possible?) upon hearing news that the new season of the show will include a gay couple living on the Devil's Street also known Wysteria Lane. The ADA says, "this program like many others is straight from the pit of hell".They have also sent out no less than five urgent action alerts to deter their followers from Myspace and even condemned the Christian rock band One Star Story for allowing "porno people" on their myspace page even though when the group gave an interview they said they allowed anyone to join their friends list so that "these people would have the chance to hear the word".Well, the American Decency Association is calling bullshit on these empathetic, "so called" Christians with their Satanic rock sound (because God only likes hymns) and their "porno people" loving, Myspace embracing sinfullness by saying that yes, Jesus did go out into the world of sinners, but he certainly "did not invite 34,474 of His friends to join him there".The ADA would also like to repeatedly remind everyone to send them donations!